Saturday, January 28, 2012

blog 1

1.Technology, when used correctly can be useful; however, one should not become dependent on technology. As a teacher this is a challenge. With calculators, the internet, smart phones, I-pads, and the mass availability of this technology we are faces with the challenge of “why do we need to do this.” I know I asked this question as a student “Why do I need to learn how to do this when I can just use a calculator, computer, look it up etc….” and I know that I will not be the last student to ask this question. It is imperative for our students to know that while technology is useful and makes our live easier it is to be used as such, not as a replacement for actual knowledge and understanding. Anyone can plug an equation into a calculator, but unless one understands why and how to use that equation the answer is completely useless.  That being said technology allows us to increase our understanding in ways that were not possible in the past. We have access to mass amounts of information literally at our fingertips and for the curious mind there is no limit to what you can learn. The problem is that the majority of people, and I am guilty, do not use technology to increase our understanding or knowledge, but to update our facebook status or tweet about the coffee we just had. As teachers we have the power to reverse this trend and optimize the use of the technological advances that have been made. We must inspire our students to increase their knowledge and understanding and make use of what they have to do so.

2.As a product of the technology age I am used to and comfortable with technology. We always had computers in our schools and in my home, I have a smart phone that doubles as a computer, and I use social networking (maybe more than anyone person should). I am not a computer wizard and if my computer does not work properly there is a good chance that I will be yelling at, but when everything is working smoothly I know how to use my computer to get on the internet, use office, access different things within my computer, and keep my computer clean and healthy. On a scale of one to five, one being inexperienced and five being brilliant with computers, I would give myself a four (Journeyman uses technology with competence). There is still things I can learn, but I know enough to get through a lecture in a classroom.

3.While at WKU I have used or had modeled many different technologies. The one that I have learned to rely on is the computer. I have used the computer to take classes, do homework, notes in class, to analyze data, and to read labs. I have also used the projector, microscopes, calculators, smart boards, and   smart pads. I have a TV interactive class and two online classes. I have used my own personal technology to help, or hinder, my attention in class. I have been exposed to many different types and ways to use technology at WKU.

4.At  WKU I have used mostly the computer. I have used it both inside and outside of class. The computer and knowledge of it is vital to success at WKU. I have used the Smart board in one of my SMED 101 full teaches along with projectors. I have used microscope in almost every lab I have taken along with an array of different lab technologies. In my math classes I have used calculators to help me ( the math impaired ) to get through the class. I have become dependent on multiple technologies at WKU.

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